Hi Chris,
consider the Storage Port Maximum commands Queued. Il's Hardware limit.
I know that Hitachi Storage limit is 2048 on VSP Storage model. So
there isn’t any benefit to increasing num_cmd_elems to greater than 2048
for physical FCs connected to it. Refering to https://tuf.hds.com/instructions/performance/QueueDepth.php.
Au plaisir de vous lire (Looking forward to reading you !).
I noticed that "high water mark of active commands" is always less than num_cmd_elems in my system, I do not know if it is true or flase. num_cmd_elems is set to 200 by default, the max of "high water mark of active commands" of 6 fcs is 180. num_cmd_elems of 4 fcs was changed from 200 to 600, all the "high water mark of active commands" became 256. The fcs is vFC card, and the num_cmd_elems of VIOS is 500, which should be set to 600 at least that waiting for service windows.
Thanks for informing us of this, Chris. (And thanks to Dan Braden!) I've written a script which applies what you have shared. You'll find it here http://tinyurl.com/set-FC-queue-depth Hope it's a help to someone. Anthony
[Trackback] My compatriot Chris Gibson highlighted a great performance tuning attribute for Fibre Channel adapters in this blog post . I was so excited that I dusted off my blog-writing skills (much neglected) and got fired up enough to put Chris' advic