AME activation key identification
In a previous post I discussed how you can identify some of the different types of a PowerVM Capacity on Demand (CoD) activation keys from IBM.
Recently I had to Activate Memory Expansion (AME) on a couple of POWER7 systems. I discovered that all of the keys contained a similar string. It appears that if a CoD key contains the string CA1F0000000800 then it is safe to assume it will activate AME for a particular system. e.g.
9741 937A
And while I’m talking about AME, I thought I’d share this tip as well.
I was performing a demo of AME for my team and wanted to change the AME expansion factor using DLPAR during the demo. I did not want to use the HMC GUI but rather the HMC command line (as it’s faster).
To change the expansion factor for an LPAR (that’s enabled for AME), you can use the chhwres command from the HMC CLI.
During the demo I highlighted the current (running) expansion factor for the LPAR (using the lshwres command).
hscroot@hmc1:~> lshwres -m 795-1 -r mem --level lpar --filter "lpar_ids=189" lpar
Then I increased the expansion factor from 2.0 to 3.0 (using DLPAR).
hscroot@hmc1:~> chhwres -r mem -m 795-1 -o s -p aixlpar1 -a "mem_expansion=3"
Using the lshwres command I then confirmed that the expansion factor changed (from the HMC command line).
hscroot@hmc1:~> lshwres -m 795-1 -r mem --level lpar --filter "lpar_ids=189" lpar
I also ran the lparstat command on the LPAR (before and after the DLPAR operation) to demonstrate the changed expansion factor value and the increase in expanded memory size.
aixlpar1 : / # lparstat -i | grep Exp Memory
Mod Target Memory Expansion Factor : 2.00 Target Memory Expansion Size : 8192 MB
aixlpar1 : /# lparstat -i | grep Exp Memory
Mod Target Memory Expansion Factor : 3.00 Target Memory Expansion Size : 12288 MB